Saturday 23 April 2011


Happyness doesnt come from nothing.

In order to find something that makes you happy you have to go through bumps along the way.
You cant just one day wake up and be happy you have to find things that make you happy and hold them close to your heart. If someone makes you happy, fight for them. If something makes you happy, get it.
I guess the point is in order to be happy you have to actually want to and try hard for it.
When what makes you happy tries to stop you or get in your way, dont let it. And if what makes you happy tries to run away break their legs off. :)


Love is the best feeling in the world.
Love is kind.
Love is everlasting.
Love is the sound of the birds chirping on a sunny morning.
Love is cheerful.
Love is togetherness.
Love is peaceful.
Love is everything anybody wants.
Love is everything everybody dreads.
Love is hurt.
Love is nasty.
Love is someday being alone.
Love is the sound of a tsunami hitting the shore.
Love is hatred.
Love is fear.
Love is a feeling everybody hates.

When people put a thought in your mind.

So today someone told me that she wasn't going to forgive someone for stealing all her shit because the lady didn't steal her stuff by accident.

This could be applied to my life today.
I'm gunna use fake names because no drama is necessary.
So bob, he cheated on me, we are trying to work through it because he claims that he loves me. Am I really supposed to forgive him? He didn't accidentally sleep with some other chick. He did it on purpose. His excuse "You pissed pissed me off". So is this stabb at my heart forgivable? Maybe, Maybe not. But because of love I'm gunna try and be forgiving because that's what a reasonable human being would do.

You dont know what youve got till its gone.

Forgiving and forgetting?
 I'm fine with the forgiving part because everyone needs a second chance. But forgetting? No way. Forgetting about something that someone did just gives them an excuse to do it again. Like cheating for example. You can give them another chance and hope that they will never do it again or you can forget about it. If you knew that your significant other was just going to forgive you and run back to you and forget about whatever it was that happened wouldn't you just keep doing it if it was something you enjoy? I know I probably would.

Once a cheater always a cheater?

Some people say this is true, but when you are put in the situation wouldn't you want to believe the opposite? Love is not something forgotten in a day. Keeping that in mind if some really truly loved you would they cheat on you in the first place? People make mistakes and I get that but if you wanna sleep around don't do it while your with me. Its one way or another. You cant have your cake and eat it to. In saying this i would like to bring up that if someone didn't love you and wanted to sleep around why would they come back to you? Why wouldn't they just go have sex with someone else?